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IAC | Education
Songwriting "Boot Camp" (Fall 2016)
Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 7:00PM

Studio 150
150 West 46th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10036

Please note that this course is 6 sessions.

Brooklyn based Songwriter, John Munnelly, will take students on a journey through the basics of songwriting, explaining the use of melody, song structure, rhyme and rhythm to create contrast, energy and motion. Classes will involve discussions and tips on writing, inspiration, technology, recording & performance. Students will try out practical exercises in class and at home. The aim is to break down the songwriting mystique into approachable parts demonstrating the 'how to' in order to give attendees the confidence, tools and encouragement needed to write and finish their own song. Attendees will require: a pen and paper. Use of an instrument is not mandatory though some knowledge of an instrument or some musical theory will add to the participants’ enjoyment and learning.