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Sing-Along Messiah 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017 at 7:30PM

The Coralville Center for the Performing Arts
1301 5th Street
Coralville, IA 52241
Located in Plaza on 5th, at the corner of 5th St & 12th Ave

Sing along with Handel's beloved oratorio! Conductor Ed Kottick brings together an orchestra, professional soloists, and local choirs to fill the Center for a joyful holiday celebration.

Buy your tickets in advance for general admission or to sit by vocal part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass). Tickets purchased the day of the show will be seated in the general admission area. General admission seating is for any voice part, for families wishing to sit together, or for those who would simply like to listen and enjoy the music.

Limited sheet music will be available for purchase at the event, so please bring your own sheet music with you.

1301 5th St · Coralville, IA 52241 · Ph:319.248.9370 · Fx: 319.248.9379