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James & Jerome
INK: A Piece for Museums
presented by CenterSeries & WCMA
Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 7:00PM

Williams College Museum of Art
15 Lawrence Hall Drive
Lawrence Hall Auditorium L231
Williamstown, MA 01267

This performance will take place in Lawrence Hall Auditorium L231 (15 Lawrence Hall Dr)

INK: A Piece for Museums

A new show for museums and theater spaces alike, INK is an art lecture, live personal essay, and concert performed in conversation with a museum collection. James + Jerome perform an original live score as they respond to artworks from around the world, transforming the traditional art lecture into a unique theatrical experience that compels us to practice close-reading of images that defy immediate comprehension. Together, they guide us through a reflection on calligraphy and illuminated manuscripts, on music and silence, and on Jerome’s intimate relationship to the spoken and written word. Presented with WCMA. www.jamesandjerome.org