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freeFall Theatre presents...
The House of Future Memory
Saturday, June 14, 2025 at 2:00PM

freeFall Theatre
6099 Central Ave.
St. Petersburg, FL 33710
freeFall Theatre

Devised by Eric Davis, the ensemble, and you

This surprising and innovative performance will bring together the talents and imaginations of the performers with the dreams, fears, and desires of the audience to create a unique evening of storytelling and theatre that can only happen once. Through improvisation, traditional storytelling, and innovative effects, the audience will be transported to an uncanny place where anything is possible – where dreams become real and the future looms like a memory waiting to take shape.

Show Sponsors: Bill & Suzanne Garth | Michael Miller & Robert Jenkins
Community Partners: Joanne & Ralph Contursi | Judy Heintzelman | Betsy Schweitzer | Bill Ward | Cherie Willard

This production may include some adult themes and language. Audience discretion is advised.

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