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freeFall At The Movies: LADYHAWKE
Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 7:00PM

freeFall Theatre
6099 Central Ave.
St. Petersburg, FL 33710

hosted by Matthew McGee

Ladyhawke is a 1985 medieval fantasy film directed and produced by Richard Donner and starring Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer. The story is about a young thief who becomes unwillingly involved with a warrior and his lady who are hunted by the Bishop of Aquila. As he learns about the couple's past and secret, he chooses to help them overcome the Bishop's forces, and to lift an infernal curse all set to a score by The Alan Parsons Project. Yes, The Alan Parsons Project. 

Ladyhawke is rated PG-13. Don’t miss this screening of a forgotten sword and sorcery gem. 

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