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Mike & Mindy's Wild Weekend Jam
Thursday, July 10, 2025 at 7:00PM

The Players Theatre
115 MacDougal Street
Between West 3rd & Bleecker Streets
New York, NY 10012

Together since high school--circa 1980, Mike and Mindy found love and shared a dream of becoming huge singing sensations. But... with BIG dreams come BIG responsibilities. Therefore, to keep their dreams from being "flushed down the drain forever," a plumber and hairdresser they became.
Flash forward 10 years... Mike and Mindy continue working at their day jobs, while tirelessly booking gigs and auditions. They even hold "Wild Weekend Jams" at their place in Brooklyn, for their wacky family and friends to sing, dance, and... "almost always have a good time."
However, no family gathering is complete without its share of con- ?ict and drama. The news that a hot-shot music producer might at- tend one of their jams ignites hope that this could be Mike and Mindy’s big break. Everyone is excited– everyone that is, except for Don, Mindy’s old-school Italian father. His staunch viewpoints and disbelief in the young couple’s dreams lead to a heated argument, re- sulting in Mike storming out the door. !
With Mindy left feeling sad and frustrated, the family tries to sal- vage what’s left of the night. Amid the tension, a surprise visitor who may hold the key to their dreams shows up unexpectedly. With time being of the essence… Will Mindy be able to find Mike in order for their dream to become a reality?

**VIP gift bag will include Mike & Mindy merchandies, an autographed copy of the script signed by cast & creative team, a cast photo, and surprise sponsor goodies