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Creating A Movement: A Conversation with Brian Ide
Friday, February 21, 2025 at 11:00AM

Sorenson Upper Lobby
231 Forest Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
Sorenson Center for the Arts on the campus of Babson College

Grace Based Films is a revolutionary film production company based in Hollywood. They tell universal stories that reveal the complexity of living a life in hope and faith. They have re-envisioned the typical film business model by funding their films through donors rather than investors, allowing them to put people to work and profits to go toward future stories and philanthropy, rather than investors and filmmakers. Brian Ide, Co-Founder and Director of Grace Based Films hosts this open conversation that will follow wherever the audience wants to take the conversation, from their response to A Case for Love to questions about building a film company around creating a movement, and anything in between.

Free and open to the public. Reservations encouraged. Walk-ins welcome.