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25CU1: Femme Noire, Nuit Blanche
Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 8:00PM

Glicker-Milstein Theatre
The Diana Center
New York, NY 10027

FEMME NOIRE, NUIT BLANCHE (BLACK WOMAN, WHITE NIGHT) is an English-language Afro-surrealist play following one sleepless night in Brooklyn for Selah, a young Black paralegal. After an odd moment of connection coming home from work, she embarks on a petit odyssey through Brooklyn--and her mind--reckoning with the mysterious forces shaping the night.

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General Admission
Columbia/Barnard Student (CUID) [$7.50]:
includes $0.50 Service Fee
Non-CUID [$10.50]:
includes $0.50 Service Fee
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