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Learn to Soundpaint Series
Free Drop-In Soundpainting Classes
A dim sum of the hottest new live composition language!
Sunday, February 24, 2019 at 4:00PM

two different venues!
see description for locations and times
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Gowanus/South Slope

Calling all performers of any discipline!

What's Soundpainting? Come find out!

A new and exciting technique for expanding your skills as an actor, musician, dancer, or any other performative discipline! No experience necessary! Just bring a willingness to learn!

Free Drop-In Soundpainting Classes
Sunday, February 24
Gemini & Scorpio Loft
Gowanus, BK

Saturday, March 9th
Freddy's Backroom
South Slope, BK

Saturday, March 16th
Freddy's Backroom
South Slope, BK

FREE with advanced rsvp or $10 at the door
Ages 18 and up

Co-taught by:
Leese Walker of Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble
and Nolan Kennedy Letter of Marque Theater Co.

Soundpainting is a universal multidisciplinary live composing sign language for musicians, actors, dancers, visual artists and people from all walks of life – anyone can participate. Presently (2019) the language comprises more than 1500 gestures that are signed by the Soundpainter (composer) to indicate the type of material desired of the performers. The creation of the composition is realized, by the Soundpainter, through the parameters of each set of signed gestures. The Soundpainting language was created by Walter Thompson in Woodstock, New York in 1974.

For a more in-depth understanding of Soundpainting, please go to