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Cup of Knowledge

Cup of Knowledge
an online immersive fortune telling performance

Gather World
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Performed on Gather!

A fortune teller peddles the whispers written in the stars, in one of the oldest professions still forbidden to women. For a woman who drinks from the cup of knowledge is aware she can support herself financially and emotionally, and what dear reader, is more threatening than that?

For the pittance of a cup of tea, join us for an immersive fortune telling performance in Gather Town and explore a new world within.

Cup of Knowledge
Jan 29th-31st
Shows at 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm (ET)
Tickets are very limited!

Produced by Bea Goodwin, Claire Townsend,
and Letter of Marque Theater Company

Words by Bea Goodwin
Music by Whitney George
Design by Claire Townsend

Bryce Payne, fortune teller
Ashley Hedlund, trumpet
Mary Ann Ybarra, piano

What's Gather Town? Gather is an online proximity-based social interaction platform. Sorta like Zoom meets original Zelda, part video game, part video conference. Gather does not require any downloads and is free with your ticket. To learn more and try a demo, please visit

Cup of Knowledge
an online immersive fortune telling performance
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