curated by Mariangela Lopez
BAX | Brooklyn Arts Exchange
421 5th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215
F / G / R TO 4TH Ave / 9th St
featuring work by Alex Escalante, Marilyn Maywald, and Michele Torino Hower
For UNTOLD , BAX Artist-In-Residence Mariangela Lopez has chosen to curate three NYC-based choreographers that have inspired her throughout her career. Although their aesthetics are very different, they are bound together by their powerful presence as performers, their audacity, their emotional complexity and their physicality.
Lopez invited Alex Escalante, Marilyn Maywald and Michelle Torino Hower to present work that has yet to be presented in public so that both artist and audience may benefit from the post-performance exchange.
curated by Mariangela Lopez
 Sold Out
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