Directed by Martin Jarvis, starring Simon Helberg, Amy Landecker, Josh Stamberg and Jocelyn Towne
2009 Tony Award-Winner God of Carnage, is a brash and hilarious exploration of human nature that offers a tour de force for four actors. After one 11-year-old is hit by another, their parents meet to find a mature resolution. As the evening wears on, the veneer of civility degenerates. What begins as protective parenting ends as an excuse to let loose the primordial beast buried in each of us.
'A study in the tension between civilized surface and savage instinct, this play is itself
a satisfyingly primitive entertainment with an intellectual veneer.'
– Ben Brantley, The New York Times
Hollywood & Broadway’s finest perform without sets or costumes for later broadcast on public radio nationwide. Casts subject to change. Box office: (310) 827-0889 M-F, 12 til 6. After hours: (866) 811-4111. ALL SALES FINAL.