nancy manocerian's the cell presents
The Savannah Disputation
by Evan Smith
the cell
338 W. 23rd Street Between 8th and 9th Avenues New York, NY 10011
Directed by Katrin Hilbe
It's Christmas time in Georgia as two Catholic spinsters are suddenly thrust into a verbal smackdown with a perky evangelist who as arrived at their doorstep to save their souls. With their comfortable equilibrium threatened by this intruder who denounces the Catholic faith, they enlist the help of parish priest Father Murphy. Murphy is furious once he realizes the sisters' intention that hey play devil's (or God's) advocate, and eventually the evening comically dissolves into personal confrontation and revelation.
Cast: Michael Gnat*, Charlotte Hampden*, Lucy McMichael*, and Katie Yamulla*.
Production Team: Sarah Edkins (set designer) Andy Even Cohen (sound designer), Page Clements (dialect coach) and Marcina Zaccaria (stage manager).
*Appearing courtesy of Actors' Equity Association
nancy manocerian's the cell presents
The Savannah Disputation
by Evan Smith
 Sold Out
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