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Summer Camp Anthology - Camp Fire -Pickup at Cabin
Each Cabin camper is published in either our Camp Fire or MegaZine anthology. This will get you an anthology for pickup at The Cabin. 
Writers in the Attic: Moon
Get your very own copy of the 2022 Writers in the Attic anthology Moon! Price includes a flat $5 shipping fee. 
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If you wish to add a donation to your order, please select a campaign, an amount, and click "Continue" (more donation options)

A book giveaway partnership between The Cabin and Rediscovered Books.

“Reading is an exercise in empathy; an exercise in walking in someone else’s shoes for a while.” - Malorie Blackman

The Read Freely project was designed to connect readers with the rich and diverse stories all around us. This includes an emphasis on the authors and stories that are different from our own, often unheard, and sometimes even banned. Over the next few months, Read Freely will give away hundreds of books written by BIPOC authors, with the aim of increasing connections, understanding, and joy between our neighbors, far and wide. Because our right to read, widely and without constraint or censorship - from authors outside our experience, to the unknown and unexpected - is no freedom to be taken lightly. Funds raised will go directly towards purchasing books for the Read Freely book giveaway. 

Note: Give $100 or more and you can choose (in the notes section) which of the seven titles you'd like to donate and include a dedication in the books.

“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.” - Harper Lee

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