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Thank you for supporting The Chicago Philharmonic Society's ongoing mission - to excite, engage, and transform diverse audiences with the beauty and power of great music. Your generous support allows us to present world-class orchestral concerts, innovative chamber music series, and far-reaching outreach programs in the Chicago area. By being part of our loyal family of contributors, you ensure a strong future for our organization and help make life harmonious for the greater Chicago community.
Campaigns: Chicago Philharmonic Society
Thank you for supporting The Chicago Philharmonic Society's ongoing mission - to excite, engage, and transform diverse audiences with the beauty and power of great music. Your generous support allows us to present world-class orchestral concerts, innovative chamber music series, and far-reaching outreach programs in the Chicago area. By being part of our loyal family of contributors, you ensure a strong future for our organization and help make life harmonious for the greater Chicago community.
Your first donation will take place today.
Your next donation will occur May 26, 2024. Apr 26, 2025. Jul 26, 2024.
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.