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Show your support for The Bushwick Starr!

Your tax-deductible donation today sustains us now, and strengthens us for the future.

With a monthly gift of $9/month or more, you will receive all of the benefits of membership. By contributing throughout the year, you can make a gift that is affordable for you, and that provides steady support for the Starr, our artists, and our community.

Membership Levels

    All memberships will remain active for a full year following your initial gift! Benefits include: Advance ticket sales, subscription to the Starr member e-newsletter, and your name listed in our programs and on the website.

    ALL STARR - $1000 or more (or $84+/month)
    4 complimentary tickets to each show* (a $500 value); Reserved seats; Invitations to Opening Nights and the Starr Gala; Coffee with co-founders Noel Allain and Sue Kessler.

    STARR SUSTAINER - $500 or more (or $42+/month)
    2 complimentary tickets to each show* (a $250 value); Reserved seats; Invitations to Opening Nights and the Starr Gala.

  • STARR SUPPORTER - $250 or more (or $21+/month)
    Two $20 tickets to each show* (20% off); Reserved seats; Invitations to Opening Nights.

  • STARR MEMBER - $100 or more (or $9+/month)
    One $20 ticket to each show* (20% off)

  • STARR DONOR - Your gift of any amount - Our sincere gratitude.

  • *Subject to availability, black-out dates may apply, not inclusive of special programming or fundraising events.

    Does your employer match contributions? With a matching gift , you can double your support and deepen your impact. Please check the box when making your donation, and we'll take care of the rest!


If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.