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Audience Engagement Fund
A gift to our education and engagement initiatives supports The Bach Institute, free community concerts, masterclasses, lectures, our Engagement staff salaries, and other activities that are easily accessed by our community. 

Pat Krol Fund
In the spirit of Emmanuel Music’s Executive Director from 2006-2021, a gift to this fund helps with the care and keeping of our organization and staff; everything from functional office furniture to staff retreats, and from professional development to tech upgrades.
Annual Fund FY23
Help us keep the lights on! A gift to our annual fund supports everything from our staff salaries, internet bills, printer ink, Zoom accounts, etc.; all that’s needed to empower us to do our jobs.
Concert Underwriting FY23
A gift made with this designation directly supports the wages of musicians who perform outside of our Cantata Series, including our major concerts and Lindsey Chapel Series.
FY23 Cantata Underwriting
Continuing our tradition of 52 years, the Orchestra and Chorus of Emmanuel Music present Bach’s astounding human document, in the liturgical setting for which it was intended, as well as other sacred works. Gifts made with this designation directly support the wages of our cantata musicians. 

FY23 Motet Commissions
The Motet Commissioning Project selects five living and local composers to commission motets that are intentionally premiered alongside a specific cantata presentation. A gift with this designation directly supports the fees paid to these composers.
FY23 Livestreaming
The advent of livestreaming has been a marvelous contribution to Emmanuel Music’s initiatives for access and inclusivity, and led to over 8,000 views of our 2021-2022 performances across 27 states and 6 foreign countries. A gift with this designation directly supports the compensation of our musicians and their union for streaming fees and dues. 

Foundations FY23
Bach Institute FY23
BachFest Leipzig 2024
To support Emmanuel Music's trip to BachFest Leipzig in 2024
FY24 Cantata Underwriting