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Because of patrons like you, NYTF is thriving as it celebrates its 104th consecutive season of cultural programming! NYTF’s mission to celebrate Jewish culture through the power of the performing arts honors a cultural legacy nearly destroyed in the years surrounding World War II. Founded in 1915 as the Folksbiene, or the people’s stage, NYTF has given a voice to immigrant artists and audiences for more than a century! Please consider supporting the Folksbiene today. Your contribution goes directly to supporting programming that you can enjoy, including mainstage productions, innovative readings, concerts, educational programs and more.
  • 36.00
  • 180.00
  • 360.00
  • 500.00
  • 1000.00
Campaigns: FY 2019 Annual Appeal
Because of patrons like you, NYTF is thriving as it celebrates its 104th consecutive season of cultural programming! NYTF’s mission to celebrate Jewish culture through the power of the performing arts honors a cultural legacy nearly destroyed in the years surrounding World War II. Founded in 1915 as the Folksbiene, or the people’s stage, NYTF has given a voice to immigrant artists and audiences for more than a century!

Please consider supporting the Folksbiene today. Your contribution goes directly to supporting programming that you can enjoy, including mainstage productions, innovative readings, concerts, educational programs and more.
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.