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Your gift to The Theory of Everything Fund helps support the world premiere of composer John David Earnest and Nancy Rhodes’ new music drama tracing the journey of a Brazilian quantum physicist and his family, as dramatic events catapult a metaphysical and scientific search into other dimensions and alternate universes.
  • 50.00
  • 100.00
  • 250.00
  • 500.00
  • 1000.00
  • 2500.00
  • 5000.00
  • 10000.00
Campaigns: The Theory of Everything Fund
Your gift to The Theory of Everything Fund helps support the world premiere of composer John David Earnest and Nancy Rhodes’ new music drama tracing the journey of a Brazilian quantum physicist and his family, as dramatic events catapult a metaphysical and scientific search into other dimensions and alternate universes.

If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.