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Hopeful Heart, Inc. was created specifically to give a "helping hand" to musicians, writers, artists, dancers, and others in the arts who are facing medical difficulties and challenges. Most of these artists are self-employed and without health insurance and are facing life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, heart attacks, and strokes. Hopeful Heart offers direct monthly financial assistance, helping them pay rent, utilities, medical bills, and other expenses. In addition to our annual Concert for Life, donations from generous individuals and businesses allow us to fulfill our mission. Please help us by making a donation. Hopeful Heart, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, so your donation may be tax deductible (please check with your tax professional).
  • 10.00
  • 20.00
  • 25.00
  • 50.00
  • 100.00
Campaigns: Hopeful Heart
Hopeful Heart, Inc. was created specifically to give a "helping hand" to musicians, writers, artists, dancers, and others in the arts who are facing medical difficulties and challenges.

Most of these artists are self-employed and without health insurance and are facing life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, heart attacks, and strokes. Hopeful Heart offers direct monthly financial assistance, helping them pay rent, utilities, medical bills, and other expenses.

In addition to our annual Concert for Life, donations from generous individuals and businesses allow us to fulfill our mission.

Please help us by making a donation. Hopeful Heart, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, so your donation may be tax deductible (please check with your tax professional).
(5.00 min.)
Your first donation will take place today.
Your next donation will occur Jul 24, 2024. May 24, 2024. Apr 24, 2025.
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.