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We Need Your Help! Help keep the performing arts alive and thriving on Cape Cod and the Islands. Become a Friend of Theater and support year-round live performance of plays, music, dance and more. Your support and donations go to help our individual member theaters and all the people who work on their productions, from unpaid volunteer staff, actors, ushers, technical staff, musicians, directors, and playwrights and also goes to further sustain the economy of the region by helping support paid theater staff, actors and others. Unfortunately ticket sales alone cannot cover the cost of bringing great live entertainment to the Cape & Islands, and even our all volunteer community theaters must raise money to survive, so please donate to the Theater Coalition or the individual theaters of your choice. Help keep the marquees lit at all of our theaters!
Campaigns: Donate
We Need Your Help!
Help keep the performing arts alive and thriving on Cape Cod and the Islands. Become a Friend of Theater and support year-round live performance of plays, music, dance and more. Your support and donations go to help our individual member theaters and all the people who work on their productions, from unpaid volunteer staff, actors, ushers, technical staff, musicians, directors, and playwrights and also goes to further sustain the economy of the region by helping support paid theater staff, actors and others. Unfortunately ticket sales alone cannot cover the cost of bringing great live entertainment to the Cape & Islands, and even our all volunteer community theaters must raise money to survive, so please donate to the Theater Coalition or the individual theaters of your choice. Help keep the marquees lit at all of our theaters!
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.