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In gratitude for your support, your Diamond level gift includes the following benefits to enhance your freeFall experience: -- exchange fees waived -- Access to premium seating -- 10% discount on single tickets -- Annual season subscription and Youth season subscription-- Recognition in playbills and digital signage -- Complimentary beverages at the theatre bar -- Invitations to exclusive "Backstage Pass" events during each production -- Two complimentary tickets to our annual Season Announcement Party. -- Eight complimentary guest tickets -- A personalized behind-the-scenes tour for you and up to 8 guests -- Invitation to multi-course wine dinner served on stage, designed and hosted by Artistic Director, Eric Davis -- Recognition in permanent installation on the freeFall campus (pending future construction)
  • 5000.00
Campaigns: Diamond ($5,000+)
In gratitude for your support, your Diamond level gift includes the following benefits to enhance your freeFall experience:
-- exchange fees waived
-- Access to premium seating
-- 10% discount on single tickets
-- Annual season subscription and Youth season subscription-- Recognition in playbills and digital signage -- Complimentary beverages at the theatre bar
-- Invitations to exclusive "Backstage Pass" events during each production
-- Two complimentary tickets to our annual Season Announcement Party.
-- Eight complimentary guest tickets
-- A personalized behind-the-scenes tour for you and up to 8 guests
-- Invitation to multi-course wine dinner served on stage, designed and hosted by Artistic Director, Eric Davis
-- Recognition in permanent installation on the freeFall campus (pending future construction)
(5000.00 min.)
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.