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Not ready to be a donor at the Friend level or above? An impact gift is any gift less than $100*.  freeFall utilizes 100% of every donation and these gifts directly support our artists, creative teams, and productions. It helps to provide resources to hone their craft, and supports a living wage for artists that live and work in our community. By supporting the theatre, patrons like you have a positive impact on the cultural fabric of Tampa Bay and preserve the tradition of live theatre for future generations. 

For questions regarding your donation or other ways to give please contact Craig Badinger, Executive Director at or call 727-498-5205 ext 010. 

*Gifts less than $100 will not receive annual season benefits.
  • 10.00
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Campaigns: Impact Gift (< $100)
Not ready to be a donor at the Friend level or above? An impact gift is any gift less than $100*.  freeFall utilizes 100% of every donation and these gifts directly support our artists, creative teams, and productions. It helps to provide resources to hone their craft, and supports a living wage for artists that live and work in our community. By supporting the theatre, patrons like you have a positive impact on the cultural fabric of Tampa Bay and preserve the tradition of live theatre for future generations. 

For questions regarding your donation or other ways to give please contact Craig Badinger, Executive Director at or call 727-498-5205 ext 010. 

*Gifts less than $100 will not receive annual season benefits.
(5.00 min.)
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.