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Northwestern University - Wirtz Center
WAA~MU 2017 - Beyond Belief: a superhero musical
Directed by David Bell
Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 2:00PM

Cahn Auditorium
600 Emerson
on the Evanston campus of Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208
Cahn Auditorium is located on the corner of Emerson and Sheridan road, near the Northwestern arch.

The Waa-Mu Show's quirky name stands for the two organizations that banded together to present the first show in 1929, the Women's Athletic Association (W.A.A.) and the Men's Union (M.U.)!

The famed Waa-Mu Show is an innovator in the field of musical theatre writing, giving undergraduate students the unparalleled opportunity to serve as leaders in every aspect of the production, from writing to orchestration to performance. Now, we are thrilled to announce the 2017 production called BEYOND BELIEF: a superhero story. Our high-flying family friendly musical follows two sisters as they grapple with harsh realities by creating a fantastical world of superheroes. Imagination comes to life as the sisters create extraordinary characters based on everyday heroes in their everyday lives. Our story explores what makes each of us super and how believing may be the most powerful ability we have. BEYOND BELIEF shows us how the most unlikely person can be the hero of your story and how the love of family, in every sense of the word, is resilient. The Waa-Mu Show is Northwestern University’s own original musical, written, performed, and presented by Northwestern students. As Northwestern’s oldest theatrical tradition, now in its 86th year, The Waa-Mu Show provides undergraduates with the unparalleled opportunity to create an original musical each year and strives to place itself at the forefront of new musical theatre writing, continuing to push the limits of the “greatest college show in America.” (Associated Press). Students serve as leaders in every aspect of development from conception through production to create a show exploring themes and stories that inspire, challenge, and engage. For more information about this year’s production and those involved, visit

ASL & Relaxed Performance! Imagine U is excited to offer an ASL Interpreted and Relaxed Performance for this year’s Waa-Mu Show. This performance has been adapted to provide a relaxed and safe environment for students with autism, learning differences, or other sensory needs, allowing every audience member to engage with the show in a way that works for them! Modifications to the performance include: • Changes to light and sound cues to eliminate sudden changes and high volume effects • A separate sensory room if students need a break from the performance • Trained teaching artists with a background in sensory-friendly work will be on site • Fidget toys and communication devices are welcome in the theatre.