Based on the animated television special “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and the stage production directed and conceived by Jeff Frank and First Stage - Script adaptation by Robert Penola - Arrangements and orchestrations by Timothy Splain
Back by popular demand, the beloved television classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer soars off the screen and onto the stage this holiday season. Rudolph and his friends, Clarice, Hermey the Elf, and Yukon Cornelius learn what makes you different makes you special. As one reviewer put it, “If adorable is at the top of your Christmas list, save an afternoon or evening for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical... as rich as eggnog!"
PLEASE NOTE: Everyone entering the theatre including all infants and toddlers must have a paid admission.
PLEASE NOTE: Seating for this show features a combination of seating on the carpeted floor up front (for age 12 and younger) for the best possible view, and tiered theatre seats for adults and seniors. Depending on your arrival time, floor seating may be all that is still available for your party.