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Become a member with your donation of $25 or more! Your one-time, monthly, or annual donation allows us to use your gift where it is needed most!
CCTC Troupers
Cape Cod Theatre Company Troupers pledge a recurring contribution of any amount, and donation is withdrawn monthly from an account. A pledge of $8.34 per month will add up to an annual contribution in excess of $100- enough to support a class scholarship, or to help bring live theatre to a local school.
Nina K. Schuessler Theatre For All Fund
The Nina K. Schuessler Theater For All Fund is a board-directed fund that supports the work of Cape Cod Theatre Company/Harwich Junior Theatre to provide safe, open, and equitable access to performances, classes, and outreach programs by ensuring the theater's financial stability and by meeting building, infrastructure, and technology needs.
Building Fund
Your donation to our building fund helps us preserve and operate our main theatre in its historic home at 105 Division St. in West Harwich Massachusetts.
Betty Bobp Scholarship Fund
Your donation to the Betty Bobp Scholarshop fund ensures that future generations of children will have the chance to experience the magic of theatre for years to come!
To redeem gift certificates numbered 000-900 please contact our box office directly during our box office hours Wednesday 12pm-2pm and 2 hours prior to each performance.