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Be Part of it All! Please join HERE with a tax-deductible donation, and empower the City’s most exciting performance experiences. Your gift, of any size, contributes to the vibrancy of contemporary multidisciplinary arts, and the expansive vision of a downtown cultural landmark for over 3 decades.

We invite you to consider joining HERE as an annual or monthly member! To receive benefits for your generous support, including free tickets, exclusive member events, and insider access to HERE artists and their works-in-development, please sign up for an Annual HERE Membership or a Monthly HERE Membership at these links!

Prefer to give by check? Please make your check out to HERE Arts Center and mail to:
HERE Arts Center
c/o Development Department
145 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10013

Prefer to give through a donor-advised fund, make a gift of securities or digital currency, send a wire or EFT donation, or contribute in some other way? Please give through HERE's Every.Org Giving Portal, which includes options for DAFPay, Crypto, Stocks, and even a way to start your own personal fundraising goal. 
For other options, please contact HERE's Development Department at and we will be glad to share instructions of how to contribute!
Does your employer match charitable contributions? Please click the button for Matching Gifts and include company's name and location. Thank you for doubling your impact! 

Please feel free to include any questions or comments in the notes section below or contact HERE’s Development Team at Thank you!

HERE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 

HERE Annual Membership
HERE welcomes you to join us as a annual member! By choosing a gift that's right for you, you can enjoy the benefits of membership all season long.


$100 Annually ($9/month)

2 Flex Tickets for the HERE Produced and Presented performances of your choice
2 complimentary drinks
3 Months of Unlimited Access to URHERE
Waived ticket fees and free exchanges
$50 of your annual membership is tax-deductible

Downtown Darling
$500 Annually ($42/month)

4 Flex Tickets for the HERE Produced and Presented performances of your choice
4 complimentary drinks
Invitations to HERE Patron Nights and other Insider Events
6 Months of Unlimited Access to URHERE
Waived ticket fees and free exchanges
$400 of your annual membership is tax-deductible

Toast of SoHo
$1000 Annually ($84/month)

2 Complimentary Tickets to Every HARP Production (excludes benefit performances)
4 Flex Tickets for the HERE Produced and Presented performances of your choice
4 complimentary drinks
Invitations to HERE Patron Nights and other Insider Events
1 year subscription to HERE Member Newsletter with advance sale to HARP productions
1 Year of Unlimited Access to URHERE
Waived ticket fees and free exchanges
A HERE Mug or Tote Bag (must schedule pickup at our theater, pending availability)
$850 of your annual membership is tax-deductible

HERE Heroes League
$5000 Annually ($417/month)

4 Complimentary Tickets to Every HARP Production (excludes benefit performances)
4 Flex Tickets for the HERE Produced and Presented performances of your choice
4 complimentary drinks
Exclusive access to HERE Opening Nights (subject to availability)
Insider access to special invited rehearsals and meet and greets with HERE artists
Invitations to HERE Patron Nights and other Insider Events
Listing in HERE Heroes League in HARP Production playbills, website, and annual report
1 year subscription to HERE Member Newsletter with advance sale to HARP productions
1 Year of Access to URHERE
Waived ticket fees and free exchanges
A HERE Mug or Tote Bag (must schedule pickup at our theater, pending availability) 
$4,750 of your annual membership is tax-deductible

Prefer to give monthly? Please sign up for a monthly recurring donation at this link, and receive all the same benefits all season long! 
HERE Monthly Membership

HERE now welcomes you to join us as a monthly member!
By choosing a recurring gift that's right for you, you can enjoy the benefits of membership all season long.

$9/month ($108 annually)

2 Flex Tickets for the HERE Produced and Presented performances of your choice
2 complimentary drinks
3 Months of Unlimited Access to URHERE
Waived ticket fees and free exchanges
$50 of your annual membership is tax-deductible

Downtown Darling
$42/month ($504 annually)

4 Flex Tickets for the HERE Produced and Presented performances of your choice
4 complimentary drinks
Invitations to HERE Patron Nights and other Insider Events
6 Months of Unlimited Access to URHERE
Waived ticket fees and free exchanges
$400 of your annual membership is tax-deductible

Toast of SoHo
$84/month ($1008 annually)

2 Complimentary Tickets to Every HARP Production (excludes benefit performances)
4 Flex Tickets for the HERE Produced and Presented performances of your choice
4 complimentary drinks
Invitations to HERE Patron Nights and other Insider Events
1 year subscription to HERE Member Newsletter with advance sale to HARP productions
1 Year of Unlimited Access to URHERE
Waived ticket fees and free exchanges
A HERE Mug or Tote Bag (must schedule pickup at our theater, pending availability)
$850 of your annual membership is tax-deductible

HERE Heroes League
$417/month ($5004 annually)

4 Complimentary Tickets to Every HARP Production (excludes benefit performances)
4 Flex Tickets for the HERE Produced and Presented performances of your choice
4 complimentary drinks
Exclusive access to HERE Opening Nights (subject to availability)
Insider access to special invited rehearsals and meet and greets with HERE artists
Invitations to HERE Patron Nights and other Insider Events
Listing in HERE Heroes League in HARP Production playbills, website, and annual report
1 year subscription to HERE Member Newsletter with advance sale to HARP productions
1 Year of Access to URHERE
Waived ticket fees and free exchanges
A HERE Mug or Tote Bag (must schedule pickup at our theater, pending availability) 
$4,750 of your annual membership is tax-deductible

Prefer to give annually? Please make a one-time gift at this link, and receive all the same benefits all season long! 
Kristin Marting Fund for Women Artists
The Kristin Marting Fund for Women Artists is dedicated to providing resources to projects by HERE's Women Resident Artists. This campaign was generously established by Jennifer Suh Whitfield and Benjamin Whitfield. They are joined by Abigail Gampel, Helen Mills and Gary Tannenbaum, Alan Ostroff, Amy Segal, Christie Snider, and Tommy Young.

Contributions support PROTOTYPE: Opera/Theatre/Now, the annual festival of visionary opera-theatre and music-theatre works by pioneering artists from New York City and around the world, co-produced by Beth Morrison Projects and HERE. 

Adventurer (Any gift up to $249): You will be listed in the PROTOTYPE program and website and receive our weekly e-blast with insider information and preview videos.

PROTOTYPE VIP Membership ($250+): You are eligible for all of the Membership Perks, including concierge ticket service, no ticket fees, ticket exchanges (subject to availability), a complimentary glass of wine at each show, and invitations to special events.

Discoverer ($500+): All of the above, plus, invitation to opening night party.

Commissioners Club ($1,000+): Your name included as part of the "Commissioner's Club" on all PROTOTYPE programs. Two tickets to a World Premiere, an invitation to a Memebers' Only season announcement event in the spring. An invitation to workshops in the Fall. 

Explorer ($2,000+): Two tickets to any show at the festival and ability to attend open rehearsals for festival shows. 

Trailblazer ($5,000+): All of the above, plus join the Directors and Festival artists for drinks and conversation. 

Visionary ($10,000+): All of the above, plus, join a PROTOTYPE Artist and the Directors for an intimate, home-cooked dinner. 

If you prefer to mail a gift, please make checks payable to "PROTOTYPE" and send to:
145 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10013 

*If you would like more information or to discuss making a larger impact please contact *Brenna Thomas, at 212-647-0202, ext. 326 or email
One of the only programs in the country to grow and commission contemporary, mature puppet works, Dream Music provides performance opportunities to puppet artists, and encourages multidisciplinary collaboration to develop new puppetry techniques. This program was inaugurated with the premiere of Basil Twist’s OBIE-award winning Symphonie Fantastique in 1998. Under the artistic direction of Twist, with producing direction from HERE co-founder Barbara Busackino, the Dream Music aesthetic is geared toward puppet works that feature live music as a collaborative element. 
SubletSeries Production
Coming to see one of our upcoming SubletSeries productions? Or hoping to support it as it comes to life? Make a donation to our SubletSeries and we'll apply your gift to underwrite direct costs for the show that you are attending.
HARP: A Meal
Multidisciplinary artists Shige Moriya and Ximena Garnica will create The Meal. Part performance, part installation, part concert, and part dinner, The Meal is a choreographic ritual of preparing, serving and eating together. The Meal juxtaposes the minimalism of a Japanese tea ceremony against the imagined excess of a Dionysian rite. It exposes the audiences to a barrage of sensorial stimuli while creating a space for silence and mindfulness. It is a poem for the senses, a quest to endow a meal with meaning. The Meal is directed, choreographed, and designed by Ximena Garnica and Shige Moriya featuring the LEIMAY Ensemble with music composed by Thea Little.

Home for Contemporary Theatre & Art D.B.A. HERE is a New York State not-for-profit organization (EIN: 13-3449416). Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Eat The Document
Eat the Document is a world premiere alternative opera co-created by composer John Glover, librettist Kelley Rourke, and stage director Kristin Marting. Based on the National Book Award-finalist novel by Dana Spiotta,
it follows two 1970s radicals—Bobby DeSoto and Mary Whittaker, who are passionate, idealistic, and in love—as they design a series of radical protests against the Vietnam War. When one action goes wrong, the course of their lives is forever changed and they are forced to go underground, never to see each other again. This story of activism, sacrifice, and the cost of living a secret volleys between the 1970s and the 1990s with the characters' stories and their assimilation into plain sight connected through music, language, and technology from the two eras. At its heart, Eat the Document is about our political system and the ways generations have tried to change the direction of our society, an important and revelatory story with particular resonance now.
HARP: Theater in Quarantine: [Untitled Miniature]
There’s an apocryphal story about a tiger who, finally moved from a tiny zoo enclosure to an expansive habitat, was unable to conceive of life beyond the footprint of their original captivity, pacing the same small square footage every day — From the beginning of the pandemic Theater in Quarantine embraced such limitations, live-streaming dozens of productions from a closet measuring only 8 square feet to explore how digital encounters can feel tactile, immediate and intimate. With theaters reopened, Theater in Quarantine is in a period of reinvention, exploring new, dynamic ways of using technology to reach hybrid audiences and this new project, created in collaboration with composer Orion Johnstone, will be our most palpable expression of intimacy yet. Imposing our strictest limitations to date, this study of microscopic self-exposure will be performed from a version of the original closet scaled down to a mere 32 inches wide by 18 inches tall.

About the Artist:

Joshua William Gelb is the director, performer, and creative technologist behind Theater in Quarantine, the Obie and Drama League Award-winning digital performance laboratory operating out of an East Village closet measuring only 8 sq feet. Working with over one hundred collaborators and livestreaming dozens of productions to its YouTube Channel, TiQ has been featured on NPR's All Things Considered, Japan's NHK Television, and has been profiled in The New Yorker and The New York Times. 

Home for Contemporary Theatre & Art D.B.A. HERE is a New York State not-for-profit organization (EIN: 13-3449416). Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by law.
RHEOLOGY is the autobiography of an avalanche. A physics symposium. A concert. My mother studies the rheology of granular materials: how the natural landscape flows in fits and bursts. She also sings the songs of Bengali poet-composer Tagore. Most singers approach his songs delicately. But my mother’s voice is strident. Confrontational. She says, “gawla khule ga”: sing with your throat open. When she’s teaching me a song, I ask her to translate lyric by lyric. Scattered throughout the house are yellow pads scrawled with equations. Sigmas and deltas. I’ve always been mystified by these other, intricate languages my mother speaks. RHEOLOGY is a performance memoir. A translation across boundaries of language, gender, discipline, and generation. An artist son studies his physicist mother. She studies the strange behavior of sand. Together, they try to understand the science—the story—of how things flow.
HARP: Upstairs, In Our Bedroom

Upstairs, In Our Bedroom is an autobiographical performance that radically reimagines Same As Sister’s experiences as female identical twins of color next to those of outsider authors, June & Jennifer Gibbons (a.k.a. The Silent Twins). Utilizing dance, text, VR technology, and puppetry, they will reveal the powerful and painful intersections between twinship, blackness, madness, and art-making.

About the Artist:

Led by twin choreographers Hilary Brown-Istrefi and Briana Brown-Tipley, Same As Sister (S.A.S.) is a New York- and Toronto-based performance collective celebrating 10 years of collaborative and interdisciplinary storytelling. Their performance and film commissions have been presented and screened internationally at The Citadel: Ross Centre for Dance (Toronto); Base: Experimental Arts + Space (Seattle); Archaeological Museum of Messenia (Greece); Centre d'Art Marnay Art Centre (France); Danspace Project, BRIC, and New York Live Arts (NYC), among other venues. S.A.S. is currently a commissioned collective in the HERE Artist Residency Program and a Guest Curator at Dancemakers, supporting the creation and development of UPSTAIRS, IN OUR BEDROOM, premiering in 2026 at HERE in NYC. Dance/choreography awards include Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts’ 2022 Dora Mavor Moore Award Nominee for Outstanding Production (THIS IS NOT A REMOUNT), Jerome Foundation’s 2021-22 Jerome Hill Artist Fellow Alternate, Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants (2022 and 2017), Queens Council on the Arts/Queens Arts Fund’s 2020 New Work Grantee, and New York State Council on the Arts/New York Foundation for the Arts 2019 Artist Fellow.

Home for Contemporary Theatre & Art D.B.A. HERE is a New York State not-for-profit organization (EIN: 13-3449416). Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by law.

HARP: Rogue Objects
Based on the research of the brown dwarf astrophysics group at the American Museum of Natural History, Rogue Objects is an operatic, immersive experience for planetaria that explores the emerging science of brown dwarfs: a lesser-known class of in-between celestial bodies, neither planets nor stars. Brown dwarfs are primarily bright in the infrared--a segment of the electromagnetic spectrum just outside the wavelengths of human sight--and to observe them we, humanity, had to make the creative leap that darkness was worth looking at. 

Through animation of original and archival image, data from the new JWST and Gaia space telescope, and an operatic score built from sonified light curves of nearby brown dwarfs, Rogue Objects invites audiences into the wonderful life of these objects that abound and sing in the dark.

About the Artist:

Janani Balasubramanian is an artist and researcher creating accessible, inviting, and beautiful portals to natural and computational worlds. They work in emerging media, installation, immersive performance, poetry, prose, conceptual art, and public art. 

Home for Contemporary Theatre & Art D.B.A. HERE is a New York State not-for-profit organization (EIN: 13-3449416). Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by law.
HARP: Dream Feed
What does it mean for us to dream at this moment in time? What can we learn from the absurdity, the wildness of the dream state that can be useful in replacing what we amend with something better? How do we allow the very personal language of our dreams to inflect our waking lives? With this work, The HawtPlates offer a moment to pause and make use of what we conceive when our bodies are at rest and our imaginations remain hyperactive. 

Dream Feed is an electro-acoustic song cycle that drops The HawtPlates and the audience into a dream sequence - in the humor, terror, beauty, and allure of the active mind within a slumbering body. The HawtPlates utilize a vocabulary of gestures, lyrics, vocables, and exchanges to bring some of our most common shared dreams into collective view while playfully engaging the concept album as an interdisciplinary performance form.

About the Artist:

The HawtPlates are a family singing group that was formed in a one-bedroom apartment in The Bronx. They create live vocal works by breaking down vernacular musical forms and reconstituting them into other modes of performance, producing sound tonics and “one pots’, harkening to the spirit of the family heirloom recipe. Their work honors their lineage and personal histories while outwardly reporting an ultimately human experience.

Home for Contemporary Theatre & Art D.B.A. HERE is a New York State not-for-profit organization (EIN: 13-3449416). Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by law.
HARP: Chimera (Angélica Negrón)
Chimera (working title) is a deeply personal chamber opera featuring drag queen performers that explores the complexity and boundlessness of identity. Chimera will feature film, a chamber ensemble, vocalists and electronics, as well as drag queen performers. The opera will be experienced as a film and live music installation, with audiences traveling through the performance space, encountering different films, each featuring a unique world built around a drag performer’s personal story and the intersections between their story and the artist's fragmented childhood memories. 

About the Artist
Angélica Negrón is a Puerto Rican-born composer and multi-instrumentalist. She writes music for voices, orchestras, and film as well as robots, toys, and plants. Angélica is known for playing with the unexpected intersection of classical and electronic music, unusual instruments, and found sounds. Recent commissions include works for Opera Philadelphia, the LA Philharmonic, NY Philharmonic, Seattle Symphony, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the NY Botanical Garden, Kronos Quartet and Roomful of Teeth. As the recipient of the 2022 Hermitage Greenfield Prize, Angélica composed a work synchronized to the setting sun for EnsembleNewSRQ. She regularly performs a solo show and is a founding member of the tropical electronic band Balún. As an educator, Angélica has been a teaching artist with NY Philharmonic’s Very Young Composers program and with Lincoln Center Education. Angélica lives in Brooklyn, where she’s always looking for ways to incorporate her love of drag, comedy, and the natural world into her work. 

Home for Contemporary Theatre & Art D.B.A. HERE is a New York State not-for-profit organization (EIN: 13-3449416). Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by law.

ONLY I project description

from 2nd grade through 8th grade, i was the only Black student in my wealthy, conservative Catholic-school classroom. 
that's 1994-2001.
some of the students were Asian-American. 
some were Latine. 
nearly everyone was White. 
ONLY I was Black.  
folded into the pleats of my uniform skirt are all the spells i cast to make myself less Black:
"straighter hair, that'll do it ...", "tell Mom that we should just get a bigger house!", "shift the intonation of your speaking voice to mirror theirs ..."
ONLY I is a 30-year-old tantrum. it is a dance-driven maelstrom constructed to inspect the cultural isolation of my most formative years. 
i invite my body to remember and purge and heal and rage.
have i grown out of the mindset(s) that delayed self-actualization?
ONLY I can know.

About the Artist
nicHi douglas is an AUDELCO and Princess Grace Award-winning experimental artist based in Brooklyn. you can refer to her/them/him/us using any pronouns said with Respect. nicHi is interested in leading community care centered creative processes born out of personal inquiry and cultural curiosity. they are an Assistant Arts Professor at NYU/Tisch undergrad in the Experimental Theater Wing where they teach dance & movement methodologies. Recent theater: (pray) (National Black Theater + Ars Nova, Playwright/Director/Choreographer; 6 Lortel Award Nominations in 2024), The Cotillion ... (The Movement Theatre Company + New Georges, Choreographer), WEIGHTLESS (WP Theater, Choreographer), SKiNFoLK: AN AMERICAN SHOW (Bushwick Starr + National Black Theater, Choreographer). Upcoming: Public Displays of (self) Affection, a dance film commissioned by Lincoln Center and RECONSTRUCTING (The Team/BAM, Choreographer).

Home for Contemporary Theatre & Art D.B.A. HERE is a New York State not-for-profit organization (EIN: 13-3449416). Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by law.

HARP: For You Alone
For You Alone is a theatrical experience for one, and for everyone. A group of Baroque-ish courtiers in search of stability find their King among the audience. They set to work creating a private luxury viewing experience for their Highness, pulling out all of the stops—puppetry, perspective, pampering, Pepper’s Ghost, etc. The rest of the audience will just have to adjust to life as non-kings, finding common cause in toiling to help entertain the King, stealing small moments of true joy and/or rebellion, or—for that rarest of special people—finding validation from a talking horse who decides YOU are the human they will talk to.

About the Artist
Piehole is a live arts collective that draws from a shared fascination with objects, media, and handmade universes, to pursue delight, humor, and beauty in unexpected places. Their work encourages audience agency, as well as an expanded sense of potential realities.

Since 2008, Piehole has made 16 major performance projects for live and virtual spaces. Recent works include Christmas Mountain, an interactive advent calendar media installation at WNYC’s The Greene Space, and Disclaimer at Under the Radar (Drama League Award Nominee). Piehole also collaborated with the LA-based Tender Claws on award-winning XR games The Under Presents and Tendar. Piehole has received support from The Public Theater, New Georges, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York Theatre Workshop, The Drama League and The New Ohio, as well as NYC Women’s Fund, Jerome Foundation, Puffin Foundation, NYSCA-A.R.T./New York, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Mental Insight Foundation and Puppeteers of America.

Home for Contemporary Theatre & Art D.B.A. HERE is a New York State not-for-profit organization (EIN: 13-3449416). Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by law.