Subscriptions | |
2024-25 Regular Run Subscription
Our 2-Show Regular Run Subscription includes one ticket to each of the 2 shows in our 32nd Season. You will receive the tickets with date flexibility, a no-fee ticket exchange policy, discounts for friends & family tickets, and early access to book tickets to shows & events such as readings, panel discussions, and more- all before the general public. Excludes Opening Nights, the final Saturday and Sunday performances of a production’s run, and potential extension dates. 2024-25 Preview Subscription
Our 2-Show Preview Subscription Includes one ticket to one of the 8 preview performances of each of the 2 shows in our 32nd season. Save money and see the show before Opening Night! Previews are an exciting part of the development process where the director and designers may still make adjustments before Opening Night. Preview Subscription holders may also exchange their tickets into a show during the regular run as needed by paying a $10 upgrade fee per ticket. *Subscriptions excludes Opening Nights, the final Saturday and Sunday performances of a production’s run, and potential extension dates. |