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The Music Theatre Company
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Wish Wall
Welcome to the Wish Wall! If you would like to donate toward a specific production or item, this is the place to do it. Please indicate what you would like to donate toward in the notes section below.

Printer ink ($25)
Office supplies ($50)
Repairs for the theatre ($50)
Printer toner ($80)
One month's subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud ($60)
Programs for one performance ($150)
A new filing cabinet ($200)
One month's phone bill ($250)
One year's subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud ($600)
A new office computer ($900)
A Mac laptop - new or used ($1,500 new)
A new light board ($5,000)

Remember, you may donate any amount you wish -- even if you can't donate the full cost of an item, any amount you contribute will still go toward that item. Every dollar donated helps us continue to do what we do best! Thank you for your support of TMTC!
MILL GIRLS was created in part to address the lack of numerous strong, complex roles for young women in the musical theatre canon. Director and TMTC Co-Artistic Director Jess McLeod states: "The teen years and early twenties are the most formative time in a young woman's life, the time when she needs to be told in no uncertain terms that she is just as smart, powerful, and deserving of success as her male peers. No one loves musical theatre more than young women, and yet they have historically been poorly or underrepresented onstage. With MILL GIRLS, we've set out to change that."

MILL WOMEN is a fundraising campaign with a goal of $50,000 to raise all production support for MILL GIRLS with donations from or on behalf of women, in recognition of the need for young women everywhere to see themselves reflected positively in art.

LADIES: become a MILL WOMAN today and support Mill Girls!

GENTLEMEN: donate to Mill Girls today in honor or in memory of a smart, tough MILL WOMAN who has impacted your life!
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