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Light the Way: Act II
Securing funds to upgrade MuCCC Theatre and Gallery with new LED stage lighting.

In the Spring of 2016 MuCCC was awarded a grant to purchase a new lighting board for the facility, positioning the theatre to begin offering the latest advancements in equipment and technology for the groups performing at MuCCC. With a new board successfully installed, MuCCC is now to ready to complete our transition to a 21st century system. LED lights will offer more flexibility and more options for productions to develop advanced lighting designs, enhancing the visual impact and audience experience for each show.

Additionally, LED lights will make MuCCC more environmentally friendly, using significantly less electricity to run lights. And, the theatre will also realize savings in air conditioning as LED lights do not generate the amount of heat traditional tungsten and incandescent lights generate.

Our goal: Raise $25,000.00 by July 2017 to fully transition MuCCC Theatre with LED stage lights.

Pay-What-What-You-Will Event Donation
Suggested minimum donation is $6.00 per admission; please feel free to donate more generously, if you're able.
Donate to MuCCC
Please make a tax-deductible donation to support MuCCC.
MuCCC is a 501 (c) 3 corporation and donations are tax deductible. If you prefer to mail a check, send to:

142 Atlantic Avenue
Rochester, New York 14607

Please remember to include your name and mailing address or e-mail address so that we can provide you with a receipt for your donation.
Thank you.