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2025 Annual Fund
Your generous contribution provides critical support for the future of dance in our community.

Your support helps us aim higher and reach farther. From groundbreaking works of dance on stage to workshops and performances for students in schools across the region, your donation shapes and inspires everything that we do.

Thank You!
2024 Annual Fund
Your generous contribution provides critical support for the future of dance in our community.

Your support helps us aim higher and reach farther. From groundbreaking works of dance on stage to workshops and performances for students in schools across the region, your donation shapes and inspires everything that we do.

Thank You!
Sustaining Supporter
Your monthly or quarterly gift helps us plan for the future and aim higher.

From groundbreaking works of dance on stage to workshops and performances for students in schools across the region, your donation shapes and inspires everything that we do.
Christine Hennessey Scholarship Fund
Inspired by the deep passion for education of Ballet RI co-founder Christine Hennessey, the Scholarship Fund supports and uplifts the dreams of young dancers. Invest in the future of ballet, where every dollar supports the transformative dance education of the next generation of artists and leaders.
Derrick Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Supporting the dreams of aspiring dancers of color.

Ballet RI and the family of Derrick Jerrell Davis are honored to announce the establishment of a transformative new scholarship program in Derrick’s memory. This new program, named the Derrick Jerrell Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund will fund tuition assistance for promising dance students of color with a mission to expand diversity within the classical and modern dance community. Davis, who taught at Festival Ballet from 2014-2015 and worked as a freelance dancer, choreographer, was a bright light of sunshine to everyone at Ballet RI.
Edward M. Fogarty Memorial Fund
This fund honors Edward M. Fogarty and his passion for new artistic creations by supporting programming including the creation of new works of choreography for Ballet RI.
School Bus Sponsorship
A $500 gift provides transportation to 40 children to see or Discover Dance performances at either PPAC or The Vets.