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Since 1919, the Empire Arts Center has served as a hub of entertainment and culture in the Grand Forks community. Today, the Empire welcomes over 30,000 visitors annually! Please consider a tax deductible gift to an organization that has and will continue to make a lasting impact in our region. Your gift will ensure the Empire's doors stay open for generations to come!
  • 25.00
  • 125.00
  • 250.00
  • 500.00
  • 1000.00
  • 5000.00
Campaigns: Empire Arts Center
Since 1919, the Empire Arts Center has served as a hub of entertainment and culture in the Grand Forks community. Today, the Empire welcomes over 30,000 visitors annually! Please consider a tax deductible gift to an organization that has and will continue to make a lasting impact in our region. Your gift will ensure the Empire's doors stay open for generations to come!
Your first donation will take place today.
Your next donation will occur Apr 24, 2025. Jul 24, 2024. May 24, 2024.
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.