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Houses on the Moon Theater Company exists to dispel ignorance and isolation through the public sharing of the untold story. Through creative workshops, original performances, and post-show discussions with community partners, we have helped thousands of audience members make meaningful connections. Without your support we could not give voice to the untold story and our mission would go unfulfilled. We hope you'll consider making a tax-deductible donation to Houses on the Moon Theater Company.
Campaigns: Houses on the Moon General Fund
Houses on the Moon Theater Company exists to dispel ignorance and isolation through the public sharing of the untold story. Through creative workshops, original performances, and post-show discussions with community partners, we have helped thousands of audience members make meaningful connections. Without your support we could not give voice to the untold story and our mission would go unfulfilled. We hope you'll consider making a tax-deductible donation to Houses on the Moon Theater Company.
Your first donation will take place today.
Your next donation will occur Feb 15, 2025. Apr 15, 2025. Jan 15, 2026.
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.