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Gift with Subscriptions
If you are able to give a gift with the purchase of your tickets, it is greatly appreciated. Your donation helps us deliver our programs to our mainstage and to local school music programs in the bay area.

Special reserved seating is avialable for major donors with full subscriptions at the following gift levels. These donations can be made here, by mail, or over the phone at 650.762.1130
Ruby Section: $2,000 (two seats); $1,350 (one seat)
Gold Section: $1,200 (two seats); $750 (one seat)
Celebrate a Friend, Family Member or Colleague
Gift in Honor or in Memory 
Please email with the name(s) of the person(s) you would like to celebrate, honor or memorialize.
2024-25 Fall Campaign
Personal Contribution
Your contribution supports our mission to offer a world-class chamber music experience and allows us to reach thousands of students each year with top-quality music education programs. One-time (or recurring) gifts of any size are welcome. The majority of our support comes from individual donors. Join the family of supporters! CONTRIBUTE HERE!

2024-25 Annual Fund
Music at Kohl Mansion believes that music connects us and makes the world a better place. Our programs touch thousands of individuals each year - Sunday concerts at the Kohl Mansion, Music in Schools throughout San Mateo County, and community concerts around the Bay Area.
Your support makes it all possible! Thank you!