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Weathervane Theatre
2024 End of Year Raffle

Weathervane Theatre End of Year Raffle! 

We're saying goodbye to 2024 in style! Make a donation of $25 or more between 12/28/24 and 11:59 PM ET on 12/31/24 and be eligible to win one of our prizes! 

Please note if you donate at the higher tiers, you will also be eligible to win the lower tier prizes (ie, Donate $100, and you'll be entered for Prizes 1, 2, and 3)

Prize 1: (2) Standard Tickets to GREASE. **
Minimum Donation: $25 
Prize Value: $117 

Prize 2: (1) $150 Bar Credit 
Minimum Donation: $60  
Prize Value: $150 

Prize 3: (1) 5-Ticket Flexpass
(5) Tickets to be used in any combination* for performances June 25 - October 12. 
Minimum Donation: $100 
Prize Value: $275  

Prize 4: (1) 9-Ticket Flexpass. 
(9) Tickets to be used in any combination* for performances June 25 - October 12. 
Minimum Donation: $150 
Prize Value: $490 

 *Redemption limits apply for performances of JAGGED LITTLE PILL and THE PRODUCERS
** GREASE is scheduled to run in alternating rep July 9 - August 16