Tred Avon Players

200 Oxford Road



United States

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Tred Avon Players relies on financial support and volunteer efforts to help keep the theater operational. Ticket sales help defray the costs of productions, but having additional monies on hand is important to ensure funds are available to maintain other programs and general upkeep. Tred Avon Players is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged in our playbills at the following donor levels:

Friend up to $100
Angel $100+
Archangel $250+
Artistic Director $500+
Director $1000+
Producer $1500+
Executive Producer $3000+

David & Fiona Foster Scholarship
Tred Avon Players is offering the Foster Educational Scholarships to students who are continuing their post high school education. Eligible candidates must have participated in one or more Tred Avon Productions, either on the stage or behind the scenes. The scholarship awards can range from $50 to $1000. Your donation will be used solely for this purpose.