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Donate today to subsidize the cost of a ticket for someone else!

ASP seeks to dismantle organizational systems, processes, structures, and cultures that discourage any person from engaging with us. As part of this commitment, we reserve 10% of each house as Pay-What-You-Will tickets, offer student matinees at which tickets cost a maximum of $20 per person, and provide an allotment of significantly discounted tickets for sale for each production. If you are able to help subsidize the cost of a ticket for someone who otherwise would not be able to experience the work we put on stage, we would be grateful to you. 
  • 65.00
  • 130.00
  • 260.00
Campaigns: Subsidized Tickets Fund

Donate today to subsidize the cost of a ticket for someone else!

ASP seeks to dismantle organizational systems, processes, structures, and cultures that discourage any person from engaging with us. As part of this commitment, we reserve 10% of each house as Pay-What-You-Will tickets, offer student matinees at which tickets cost a maximum of $20 per person, and provide an allotment of significantly discounted tickets for sale for each production. If you are able to help subsidize the cost of a ticket for someone who otherwise would not be able to experience the work we put on stage, we would be grateful to you. 
Your first donation will take place today.
Your next donation will occur Apr 22, 2025. Feb 22, 2025. Jan 22, 2026.
If you have any additional comments or instructions regarding your donation, please feel free to write them here.