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QNYIAF 2015: Joshua Monten: Doggy Style
Experimental Theater
Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 8:00PM

Abrons Arts Center, Experimental Theater
466 Grand Street
New York, NY 10002
F/M to Delancey/Essex; B/D to Grand St.; M14A to Pitt St.

Doggy Style is an evening-length performance at the intersection of dance and sign language. Its starting point is the behavioral patterns of dogs, transposed onto human bodies and minds. These hybrid forms provide the basis for a choreography dealing with otherness, communication and long-term relationships (such as between dog and owner) that are deeply unequal, yet rewarding and sustainable. The performance features four professional dancers—all of them human. Doggy Style is co-produced by ROXY Birsfelden (Basel) and LOFFT – Das Theater (Leipzig), and has been touring extensively since March 2015. The performances are accessible to both hearing and hearing-impaired audiences.