Rubicon Theatre

1006 East Main Street



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The trip cost is $6,350 for double occupancy 

A $1,200 single supplement will be added to May's invoice for single occupancy

This total does not include the $1,500 tax-deductible donation to Rubicon

Price is per night, all fees included.
Does not include donation portion.
Please note that the price is per person.
Ages 15-25 
WHEN: June 17- July 14 
TIMES: Monday through Saturday 10am-5pm 
PERFORMANCES are July 12, 7 pm, July 13, 2 pm & 7 pm, and July 14, 2 pm..

A four-week theatre intensive designed to demystify Shakespeare for young actors. Under the direction of award-winning actor and Yale Drama MFA graduate Joseph Fuqua, students are immersed in the language and culture of “The Bard” while rehearsing and performing one of his masterpieces. During the four weeks, students develop a new appreciation for literature, learning about script analysis, scansion and verse, dialect and vocal production. During this four-week journey, students build confidence and learn to trust in the power of their own voice.

Jealous and crippled, Richard of Gloucester wants to be King of England and uses manipulation and deceit to achieve his goal. He murders his brothers, nephews, and any opposition to become King Richard III. In the end, Henry of Richmond raises an army, kills Richard in battle, and becomes King Henry VII.

Paid in full (Does not include the $950 per person tax-deductible donation to Rubicon)